Thursday 23 May 2013

Contracts For Difference

Now I know in my last post that I said there was more information on dividend shares coming and there most definitely will be. However, this is worth sharing, especially with there being so much movement on the market at the moment.

For those of you who have never used CFD's or contracts for difference before, they can be a brilliant way of expanding your investment and earning potential. However, before going any further they can indeed be dangerous if you are not skilled in what your doing.

Below is a link to an article written by Chris Conway on what contracts for difference are and how you can best utilize them.

You can view the article here

Happy trading JH

Tuesday 7 May 2013

The Advantages Of Dividends Shares

One of the most traditional advantages of owning shares has been dividends.

So what are dividends? They are payments made by a organization from its earnings back to its investors, by means of cash or additional allotments of shares. Most Australia businesses who pay dividends do so either annually or six-monthly.

Dividends can also be released with franking attributes, which are tax attributes that have been paid out by the organization on your behalf.

So if you get a payment that is completely franked, you may not have to pay any individual earnings tax on the money obtained, as tax has already been compensated.

There is always the obvious danger when investing in shares that prices will fall, but with dividend shares you expose yourself to less risk, especially when investing in the blue chip companies.

In the coming week I will put forward some great dividend shares to look at and also give you a bit more info on how to best utilise them.